Cameron Merrick

Cameron Merrick

Welcome to my homepage!

This site currently serves as a portfolio documenting projects I've been working on. You can expect to see a mix of software, electronics, PCB design and CAD.

Have any suggestions, queries or concerns? You can reach me at


Espressif IDF

My Projects

Corolla Clock Image
Corolla Clock

A custom AMOLED Clock solution for ZZE122 Toyota Corolla models (9th gen) that re-uses the existing clock case and buttons.

My first project involving PCB design. Project includes C++ firmware, hardware, and a 3D printed mount.

Waze Alert Map Image
Waze Alert Map

Client/Server that scrapes alerts from Waze's live map API, stores it in a database overtime, and displays it on a map.

This project is useful for identifying areas where alerts are commonly used, E.g. Pothole locations in Sydney. Uses SQLite and MapBox.

Waze Heatmap Image
Waze Heatmap

A heatmap Client/Server powered by leaflet and Waze's live map API. Designed as an early prototype of the "Waze Alert Map" project.

Uses SQLite and Leaflet.

Seek GUI Image
Jobs GUI

Simple Tkinter GUI for Seek and Indeed. Copy and paste a search URL, and the program will display the first X pages of jobs.

Jobs can be sorted by date, category, etc. Designed to save time looking through pages of newly posted jobs.

Steering Wheel Transciever Image
Work in Progress
Steering Wheel Transciever

Steering wheel transciever firmware and hardware compatible designs for the 20-24 Toyota EV Steering Wheel.

This project aims to extend compatibility to early Toyota models using my own steering column adapter and clockspring CAD designs.


  • Design a column shaft spline adapter with a working 3D printed prototype (Complete)
  • Design two wireless transciever PCBs for communicating button/horn state wirelessly (In Progress; 1/2 Complete)
  • Design a modified clockspring, re-using the existing horn and airbag connection (In Progress)
  • Develop C++ firmware for exchanging data between the wireless transcievers (ESP32-C3) (Not Started)
Piggyback TCU Image
Work in Progress
Piggyback TCU (Automatic Transmission Controller)

Embedded controller (ESP32-S3) firmware/hardware for the A245E transmisson used in Toyota Corolla ZZE122 (2003) models.

Includes programmable logic for shifting gears based on RPM, speedometer, throttle position, etc.

Overrides existing lever position and button behaviour of the automatic shifter.


  • Modify existing wiring harness to allow testing of ECU signals from a custom PCB (Complete)
  • Implement piggyback TCU hardware solution for intercepting shift/lockup solenoids, RPM, speedo, throttle, etc. (In Progress)
  • Develop C++ firmware for the TCU with programmable logic for shifting gears (Not Started)

Thank you for visiting!